
Thursday, March 20, 2014


I feel this torment, this anguish that's killing me a little each time

I look and look like I'm some kind of fool such a crime

Some people are meant for one another can't you see

You're not just hurting yourself you're hurting me!

With all your denials and lies you tell yourself everyday

No this was all some game you would like to always say

I know you, I can feel your torment as you watch me with another

Acting and trying to say that this love was only for the summer

Never saying anything pretending that you're happy for us for him

Yet when I look in your eyes I can't remember ever seeing them so dim

I never felt such a connection with another human being

Knew me and I you like there was thing without meaning

Yet you let me pack saw that all I was taking were our memories

Things that would remind me of days that I was your centerpiece

How tragic it is to let this happen, cause of some entities that wouldn't let you be happy

And now you must always be just some memory, while I walk away how sappy

This story could have been so beautiful almost some kind of fairy tale

To have it bleed all over the place to let it lie there become so stale

You once said so plainly to me how you can walk away from this

And I thought like every other person who had finally met their soul mate there's no way we'll miss

I laughed a little on my way out our once beautiful home the things the memories

They all now feel like some kind of terrible mythical tragedies

So we'll move on like this has never happened knowing deep inside our own hearts

That we will both never forget that in one moment in time we were happy, will now leave scars

I'll leave you with this, how can a person go on without the other half of their soul

Isn't that what this life is all about looking and searching isn't that our goal?

To love and be loved by your soul

To take what will make you whole

Such anguish and torment I feel

If you asked a kiss I will always steal